Meet Anne
Anne van Gessel is a talented writer, blogger and motivational speaker, who happens to have dyslexia. She is most well-known for her children's book
"Cruz Finds His Way," is an inspirational tale about a crow with dyslexia. She is currently working on several 'works in progress including her self-help book "Walking the Road to Self-Love," which is in the middle of an intensive editing schedule. Her other projects include:
The Dog Collective, a coffee-table style book of short stories, poems and photographs of much-loved pups, and On the Path inspirational card deck themed after the progressive concepts of the DEI movement.
For the past two years, Anne has taken her experience as a Certified Life Coach and transformed it into a successful blog series, Authentically Anne.
Anne's Story
Anne van Gessel was diagnosed with dyslexia in her freshmen year of college Accounting program. Despite her history of struggling with academics, the news caught her off guard and sent her into a spiralling tunnel of self-doubt and anxiety. Everywhere she went, she could feel the eyes of judgement and disappointment on her. She began to put on a mask that she wore in public, hiding what she saw as her weaknesses.
In this way, her diagnosis started to take over her life, right into graduate school. Anne had decided to earn her
Masters in Business Administration with a specialization in Leadership & Emotional Intelligence. A decision that would spark her healing, and launch her into a career where she had been able to make positive gains for others who struggle with neurodiversity.
Anne has come a long way and wants to help others do the same. Over the years she has learned to accept her weaknesses and shortcomings. She has learned to cultivate a sense of unconditional love for herself that can take her through any challenge in life.
To share my creative endeavours with others in the hopes that it inspires and empowers them to boldly embark on their journey towards self-love and authentic expression.
To celebrate and welcome the strengths and differences of humanity.
Have the courage to show up authentically
Have compassion for others
Welcoming differences in opinions
Have an admiration for humanity
"All of my projects are inspired by my deepest desire: to help others cultivate a true sense of self-love, and move towards a richer more holistic authentic life of joy and freedom."
-Anne van Gessel